PUBLICATIONS Time-Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture, McGraw-Hill; Assistant Editor and Production Coordinator. Author of four chapters including: Pedestrian Circulation, Outdoor Accessibility, Spatial Standards, Wood Decks and Boardwalks. Arreda Urbana (Italian Professional Design Journal), Selected Submission: The New York Waterfront International Design Competition Building Stone Magazine, Target Northern Campus (contributor) Fabric Architecture, Target Northern Campus - Creating a Centerpiece (contributor) AWARDS ASLA Award of Honor - Minnesota Chapter, UC Davis Medical Center, Garden of Three Planes, 1999 * ASLA Award of Merit - Minnesota Chapter, Target Corporation Northern Campus, 2002 * ASLA Award of Honor - Minnesota Chapter, Ceridian Corporate Headquarters, 2001 * ASLA Award of Merit - Minnesota Chapter, University of Minnesota Scholars Walk, 2006 * ASLA Award of Merit - Minnesota Chapter, Gateway Corporation Presidents Club Garden, 2008 * The Saint Paul Cityscape National Design Competition, 4th Place (750 entries) The Kent State May 4 Memorial National Design Competition, 4th Place (850 entries) United States Astronauts Memorial National Design Competition, 13th Place (950 entries) ASLA Student Award of Merit, University of Minnesota * w/HGA, Inc.

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GARYFISHBECK Landscape Architecture, Inc.